Tallaght Upholstery Cleaning
Quality Upholstery Cleaning Services
Whether it's Leather of Fabric you can count on us. Tallaght Cleaning Service has the expertise in offering the best Upholstery solutions to achieve incredible results. We work diligently to clean your upholstery and remove stains while protecting the integrity of the material. We are committed to offering a first class service at a reasonable cost with set appointment times.
Leather upholstery is cleaned using a Four Stage hand cleaning process: Firstly a cleanser is applied to remove ground in dirt and stains. Secondly a conditioner is applied to nourish and and enhance the leather. Thirdly a protector coat is applied to protect and extend the life of the leather and Finally a sealing coat is applied restore and display the original sheen.
Give us a call at (087) 2450593 to learn more about us.
What sets us Apart?
25 Years in business
Reliable Service
Free Estimates
Guaranteed Appointment Times
Low Cost